- Title: Pronghorn Pair
- Views: 432
- Added: Oct 13, 2018
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- Filesize: 3.98MB
- Pixels: 2920x1947
- Description: Though not an antelope, the pronghorn is often known North America as the American antelope. The pronghorn is not related to the antelopes found in Africa. The pronghorn's closest relatives in the evolutionary tree are giraffes and okapi. The pronghorn can run 35 mph for 4 miles, 42 mph for 1 mile, and 55 mph for 0.5 miles. Their speed is second only to the cheetah among mammals. The pronghorn is the fastest land mammal in the Western Hemisphere. Pronghorns are built for speed, with a light bone structure, hollow hair, and a large windpipe, heart, and lungs compared to its body size.
- Owner: Evelyn Harrison
- Copyright: Evelyn Harrison @ Wildlife Reference Photos
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- Date Created: 2018-10-04 00:00:00
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- Copyright Notice: 2018