- Title: Grizzly Bear-Your Worst Nightmare
- Views: 411
- Added: Oct 10, 2022
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- Filesize: 11.64MB
- Pixels: 3600x5400
- Description: How to tell a grizzly or brown bear from a black bear: 1) Even though a grizzly is called a brown bear it can be anywhere from blond to nearly black. They typically have fur brown with darker legs and commonly white or blond tipped fur on their back. Mostly black bears are black. 2) A grizzly will have a pronounced hump on their shoulders and a black bears will not have this hump. 3) The face of a grizzly bear has a sloped face with short, rounded ears. The black bear has a straight face and longer ears. 4) A grizzly bear's front claws measure about 2-4 inches in length and a black bear's measure about 1-2 inches in length. 5) Lastly the grizzly bear is enormous.
- Owner: Dotty Weber
- Copyright: Dotty Weber @ Wildlife Reference Photos
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- Date Created: 2022-06-27 00:00:00
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- Copyright Notice: wesdotphotography