- Title: Golden Monkey perched in the Bamboo Forest of Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda
- Views: 400
- Added: Apr 22, 2020
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- Filesize: 10.12MB
- Pixels: 4500x3000
- Description: Golden Monkey perched in the Bamboo Forest of Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda
- Owner: Evelyn Harrison
- Copyright: 2019
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- Title: Golden Monkey perched in the Bamboo Forest of Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda
- Description: Golden Monkey perched in the Bamboo Forest of Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda
- Date Created: 2019-10-25 00:00:00
- :
- Headline: Golden Monkey perched in the Bamboo Forest of Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda
- Copyright Notice: 2019