- Title: A Mourning Dove Reflection in a Pond
- Views: 311
- Added: Jun 4, 2018
- Colors:
- Filesize: 7.24MB
- Pixels: 4628x3294
- Description: The mourning dove is a member of the dove family, Columbidae. The bird is also known as the American mourning dove, the rain dove, and colloquially as the turtle dove, and was once known as the Carolina pigeon and Carolina turtledove.
- Owner: Dee Carpenter
- Copyright: Dee Carpenter @ Wildlife Reference Photos
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- Date Created: 2016-05-07 00:00:00
- Copyright Notice: Dee Carpenter
- Filename: _7D_3757.jpg
- File Date/Time: 1528144753
- File Size: 7586462
- File Type: 2
- Mime Type: image/jpeg
- Sections Found: ANY_TAG, IFD0, THUMBNAIL, EXIF
- Make:
- Orientation: 1
- XResolution: 1293960247/543912545
- YResolution: 18761/300
- Resolution Unit: 2
- Software:
- Date/Time: Macintosh)
- Exif IFD Pointer: 244
- Exposure Time: 1/3200
- FNumber: 5/1
- Exposure Program: 1
- ISO Speed Ratings: 800
- Exif Version: 0230
- Date/Time Original: 2016:05:07 04:53:57
- Date/Time Digitized: 2016:05:07 04:53:57
- Shutter Speed Value: 11643856/1000000
- Aperture Value: 4643856/1000000
- Metering Mode: 5
- Flash: 16
- Focal Length: 300/1
- Color Space: 1
- Exposure Mode: 1