- Title: lynx cub
- Views: 713
- Added: Jan 1, 2017
- Colors:
- Filesize: 5.22MB
- Pixels: 3456x5184
- Description: NOTE FROM WFP. This photo is a little blurry on the leg area but the photo has been approved for it's overall effect and pose.
- Owner: Cloudtail the Snow Leopard
- Copyright: Alexander Oehrle @ Wildlife Reference Photos
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- Description: A picture from a lynx cub exploring the wolrd. Ein Luchs kitten entdeckt die Welt.
- Date Created: 2015-07-28 00:00:00
- :
- Copyright Notice: all rights reserved by Cloudtail the Snow Leopard aka Alexander Oehrle D-75172 Pforzheim
- Filename: 2015_07_28_0240_Sell.jpg
- File Date/Time: 1483305026
- File Size: 5478390
- File Type: 2
- Mime Type: image/jpeg
- Sections Found: ANY_TAG, IFD0, EXIF, GPS
- Image Description: A picture from a lynx cub exploring the wolrd. Ein Luchs kitten entdeckt die Welt.
- Orientation: 1
- Exif IFD Pointer: 262
- GPS IFD Pointer: 806
- Exposure Time: 1/640
- FNumber: 63/10
- Exposure Program: 4
- ISO Speed Ratings: 1600
- Exif Version: 0230
- Date/Time Original: 2015:07:28 14:34:58
- Components Configuration:
- Shutter Speed Value: 9321928/1000000
- Aperture Value: 5310704/1000000
- Metering Mode: 6
- Flash: 16
- Focal Length: 428/1
- Color Space: 1
- Exif Image Width: 3456
- Exif Image Length: 5184
- GPS Timestamp 0: 12/1
- GPS Timestamp 1: 34/1
- GPS Timestamp 2: 58/1